
Thursday, January 7, 2016

3rd Grade Radial Designs in Paint inspired by Tibetan Mandalas

This lesson is ALWAYS successful... and for EVERY student.  I have used different artists or techniques as inspiration over the years.  This time, we looked at Tibetan Mandalas.  I showed students a Prezi I created on the Smartboard, (Mandala Prezi).  I found a great time lapse video of Tibetan Monks creating a sand mandala.  The kids love it!  Feel free to borrow!

These are large, I have a 17" matt board circle. I pre-trace them on 18x18 white 80lb paper for all my students.  After the Prezi, they cut them out. I have them fold the circle in half like a taco, then in half again like a quesadilla.  Then open and smooth out. We start painting a circle or square in the middle, where the folds cross.  Then paint 2-4 shapes ON THE FOLD to start the symmetry design. Always working from the center out, each shapes has to bump into the previous. I encourage students to turn the circle as they paint, always painting the shape with the same movement for consistency. After that, we start working in the middle of the sections, starting in the center again, working our way out.  Students rotate around the room in a circle, we always rotate the same way to start projects.  First day, we got around the room once. 6-7 tables.  Next class, (the stop motion video), I demonstrate how to take the design further.  Filling the space with more lines and shapes, maintaining symmetry.  Using pattern to fill in larger spaces or outline with extra colors around spaces.  I let students move freely for this portion of the lesson.  This way they can choose colors and take more time if needed.  Rules.... not more than 6 per table and no papers are allowed to overlap!  This is a project that builds confidence.  Students are always impressed with themselves in the end!  I have to say a lot of, "WOW! That is awesome! Beautiful!"  My favorite kind of project!!! :)

Here is a time laspe video of day two. 


  1. Thank you so much for sharing so clearly the process of this project. You are really amazing and I will be pinning this now.

  2. Beautiful lesson! I love that students are creating right away with the paint instead of drawing first. Can you tell me how you created your time lapse video? Did you set up a camera to take photos every so often or did you use a video camera? Did you use an app? I really want to try this but I'm not sure where to start. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing ideas with all of us!

    1. Thanks! I have a GoPro Silver camera. They are not cheep, ($400 is what I paid), but completely worth it! I clip the camera to the ceiling, GoPro has lots of accessories to help clip, stick and mount the camera. It has a great setting for the time lapse. I set mine to take a still photo every second. I control the camera from my phone, it is SO EASY TO USE!!! I also use the camera for videoing basketball games for my boys. A multi-use camera. It records in high def and looks amazing on a large high def TV! An investment, but worth it if you love toys!

    2. Oh my gosh! I'm so excited, our family got one for Christmas - I wasn't even thinking about using it - duh! I haven't even had it out of the box, now I have a great reason to bust that baby out! Thank you sooooo much! I couldn't be more excited!!

    3. AWESOME!!! You will need to get a "neck" and a clamp. I am going to try to get a GoPro post up here soon, showing what I use, I have had lots of questions. If you go to Best Buy, they have lots of accessories. They can add up quickly, so ask me before you buy! Also, the extra large battery is nice too. The battery does not last as long as I want sometimes, so I went for the extra battery. Please let me know how it goes!!! And... one last thing, download the app to your phone and set that up. you control everything from you phone! Seriously SO FUN!!!

  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my questions and for taking the time to share so much on your blog. I'm hoping to play with it this week - I just ordered a bunch of accessories on Amazon. I'll let you know how it goes - have a great rest of your week and thank you again!!!

    1. So happy your students liked the project! I do like my tables and stools, I am the 2nd teacher in this building, so not sure the company they used, however, I have seen the tables in School Specialty and even the other art catalogs in the furniture section. The stools... I not sure. We had to reorder a couple a few years ago, and we could not find the exact ones originally purchased. The new ones are not as nice. I hope this helps! Good luck!

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you Ginger for your inspiration and taking the time to help me figure out the time lapse videos! I finally got a few videos posted -
    and I'm not sure how I'm going to keep up posting on a regular basis like you do, but I'm going to try! :) Tammy Conlan


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