
Saturday, April 25, 2015

2nd Grade - SLO Testing is FINISHED!

I am so relieved that my state SLO testing is done for the year!!! In Ohio we are required to give the same exact test in the fall as in the spring.  For the second graders, we focused on Landscape as a theme and spacial drawing. Basically, in my district, we are having students illustrate their understanding of foreground, middleground and background in a drawing, 
through the use of size placement and overlapping. 

* I edited my photos, turning them into the "sketch" look and changing the contrast. My original photographs were so pale, this seemed to be the best way to show the details.  

 This is MY drawing. I teach this simple drawing lesson. I have taught this lesson the last 17 years! It is a Judy Bowerman special, (my mother, a retired art teacher of 32 years).  Directed drawing, however, students have a lot of room to be creative. To be sure they understand the concept, we start by having everyone draw a house and a tree in the foregound.  Then middleground another house and tree. And again, the background,  another house and tree.  We draw them all getting smaller as we extend our space.  I even show them how to draw a 3D house, they LOVE IT! I encourage adding anything to make their landscapes unique.  Many times, they are so exited to have theirs look like mine, they are similar. But, they start becoming more confident and changing it up. For weeks, after this,  I get landscape drawings delivered to me in the morning. They are so excited to learn this idea of creating a real 3 Dimensional world, they want to practice it over and over. The best part, they change their drawings to make them more and more unique, they add things we never brainstormed in class. You know it is a good lesson when that happens!

The drawings are assessed through a rubric created for this lesson.

 The top drawing is from the Fall SLO, the bottom is from the Spring SLO.

 This student is all left brain... He is gifted. He made as many landlines and distance as possible! Not as much detail as others, but really understands how to create a 3D world now!

 This is a student has fine motor difficulties. I was thrilled with his finished product! While it is not as neat or detailed, this he understands foreground, middleground and background. Not perfectly executed, but he put in an outstanding effort!

This student has Downs Syndrome.  She was given the test with an aid, however, the aid did not draw or assist in drawing. Only encourage the directions. I am so proud of how well she did!!! She did not get the space, but she was very detailed in the first house. trying her best to create it with a 3D look.

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